Books for digital marketer

Books every digital marketer should read.

With so much information available around us, books continue to be a great source of learning. Book is the go-to thing when you wish to master the fundamentals of any subject. And learning the basics is crucial to becoming an expert in any topic. I hope you agree with that. Regardless of your expertise in […]

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Phone Parts for Repair Service

5 Most Commonly Ordered iPhone Parts for Repair Service

Did you buy the latest Apple iPhone? That’s great, but the next step is to take good care of it. These are among the most expensive smartphones in the market, after all.  However, even with the utmost care, your phone is still subject to wear and tear. You’ll eventually need to order iPhone parts or […]

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7 Shocking Benefits of Multivitamins

Every day, you strive for balance – eating right, working out regularly, and getting enough sleep. You do your best to get through the minimal stress. But despite the best efforts, the pressure of a busy life often gets in the way of getting sufficient nutrients that can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, […]

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Speed Up Your Slow Mac

5 Steps to Speed Up Your Slow Mac

As of January 2021, there were approximately 1.65 billion active Apple products. More than a billion were iPhones, while Macs were in the millions. Mac sales have been on the rise, though, garnering Apple $8.68 billion in the last quarter of 2020 alone. If you own one of those active Macs yourself, you’ve likely marveled […]

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Social Media Marketing
Social Media

How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy in 5 Steps

Roughly half of the world’s population uses social media!  So the way you handle your social media content is critical! It’s important to post effective content to attract a following and expand your brand.  Coming up with effective content marketing strategies helps you plan and achieve your goals. It also guides you through the ever-expanding world […]

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Solar Panel Rebates
Home Improvement

Everything You Need to Know About Solar Panel Rebates and Tax Credits That Will Save You Money

Do you want to learn more about solar incentives and rebates? The federal government wants its constituents to use sustainable energy. It’s why they’re offering federal solar tax credit, solar panel rebates, and more to households using solar panels. Today, the United States has over 2 million residential, commercial, and utility-scale solar installations. If you’re […]

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telephone survey

What Is an Automated Telephone Survey and Why Is It Important?

Businesses collect data about their customers and potential customers all the time. For example, businesses will analyze how people navigate their sites to spot underlying problems in the site design. Of course, sometimes businesses want more specific data than they can get from the usual data channels. When that happens, they can employ a range […]

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Investing in Pre-construction Homes

What are the Benefits of Investing in Pre-construction Homes

There’s no denying the fact that real estate is the most practical and safest investment for any individual, especially if you live in an economically stable country like Canada. The Canadian real estate market continues to grow with each passing day, causing the property rates to go through the roof. In this scenario, if you […]

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Benefits of Eating Mushrooms

5 Nutritional Benefits of Eating Mushrooms

Mushrooms are superfoods that are well known for their delicate flavor, meaty texture, and amazing health benefits. They’re packed with powerful nutrients and tons of essential vitamins and minerals. You can add fresh mushrooms to your diet by incorporating their delicious flavor into your favorite recipes. You’ll be surprised to know that mushrooms provide many […]

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High-Intensity Interval Training

7 Benefits Of High-Intensity Interval Training

We all know that exercising is the holy grail of being fit in today’s era. No matter how good your diet is, you need to incorporate a daily exercise routine to lose fat and build muscles. However, according to a survey, more than 30% of people are not able to build an exercise regimen due […]

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